Monday, September 16, 2013


I'm feeling a little vulnerable today.

Perhaps it is the fact that Henry wakes up every 2 hours at night to nurse.  Or maybe it is that all the stress of Phil's dad's health and Phil's dissertation is coming out.  Maybe it is that we are still getting adjusted to daycare.

It could be that we went to visit our Bradley instructor yesterday and retelling my "not-so Bradley" birth story dredged it all up again.

It's probably because I woke up late this morning and didn't get to work until like 9:45.  I HATE oversleeping.

And it doesn't help that that meant dropping Henry off around naptime, so he was on the fussier side.

No matter... I'm feeling a little off.  A little bit like I just want to go home and snuggle with Henry.

But I can't.

The one thing that is helping today are these:

Yes, I instagramed my Instagrams.  This is the song that doesn't end...

A couple of weeks ago, I ordered some prints of my Instagram pictures through Printstagram.  And I LOVE THEM!!  $12 for 24-4" square photos.  And they are on cardstock.  AND I got them like 5 days later in the mail.  I was quite impressed.

I ordered 2 sets, so Phil could have some as well.  I am totally going to order more in a couple of months, when I have a new batch of cute Henry pictures to choose from.

Alright, back to counting down the seconds until I can pick up my main-man, Hank.

*I wish this was a sponsored post, but it is not.

1 comment:

Let's be friends. I hope your e-mail is attached to your profile! Then I can e-mail you back.

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